I am very excited that my daughters have started the Sisnobro cafe...it has been talked about them since they were in grade school when it was originally planned! so it has been a long time coming! Maybe not an actual resteraunt as that was the original plan...but maybe even better this way.
Anyway as their mom I decided to also publish a recipe that I made today!
It is Dilly Casserole Bread from the Lion House Bakery Cookbook. The recipe is as follows:
1 package (21/4 teaspoons) active dry yeast (i actually used 1 TBL)
1/4 cup lukewarm water
1 cup cottage cheese, heated to lukewarm
2 TBLs granulated sugar
2 TBLs finely chopped onion or 1 TBL dried minced onion
1 TBL butter or margarine, softened. plus additional butter for brushing hot bread
1 TBL dill weed
1 teas. salt
1/4 teas baking soda
1 egg
2 1/4 to 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
Soften yeast in water in a small bowl and set aside. In a mixing bowl, combine cottage cheese, sugar, onion, 1 TBL butter, dill weed, salt, baking soda, egg, and softened yeast. Add flour to form a stiff dough, beating well after each addition. Cover and let rise in a warm place, until light and doubled in size, about 50 to 60 minutes. Punch dough down. Turn into a well-greased, 1 1/2 to2 quart round casserole. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 30 to 40 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes, or until golden brown. brush with soft buter and sprinkle with salt.
It is very delicious and I got the dill from my garden! Hope you enjoy!
This looks soooo good!