We are three sisters who had the dream of starting a resturant as kids. We thought of the name when were young being all sisters and no brothers, hence SisNoBro. We are happy to put it to use in our new recipe/craft/idea blog. So come enjoy the food while we discuss "Mommy stuff and ideas"! Flatter us and leave a comment. Feel free to share our link!
I'm a hypocrite. I did a whole post on milk and later found a fabulous product that I AM IN LOVE WITH... ALMOND MILK What's the big deal... Well it is DELICIOUS and more importantly it has more nutrients then the other milk alternatives and even matched nutrients in dairy products. Don't stop there the list continues so let me go on... It has less calories then any of the other options 60 calories in each 8 oz serving to be exact. Also, it is very heart healthy. It has NO cholesterol and is super low in sodium (5 mg). It is blood sugar friendly and has only 8 grams of carbohydrates per serving. It contains 30$% of our recommended daily value of calcium and 25% of Vitamin D, keeping out bones nice and strong. It also helps our skin with 50% vitamin D of our recommended daily value. It also contains Vitamin A which gives our eyes a little TLC. Lastly it give us more muscle power. The best part... Green Smoothie Girl (look at the link in the post below) teaches you how to make your own. Did I mention it has a super long shelf life. Gotta love my ALMOND MILK!
My new PASSION. Everyone who has had one, really had one is in LOVE!
I promise you will LOVE GREEN SMOOTHIES. My kids drink them up and it is just veggies and fruit (almost). They are very filling and I don't feel guilty having seconds. It takes at most 5 minutes. Here is one of my favorite recipes, it is great for your first green smoothie because it isn't really green: The first half of the blender I fill with spinach and a little water. I pretty much blend that until it is almost half way pureed spinach. If you watch the video I attached it will show you how. She has a super fancy blender in the video, I don't and it works fine. It will use a lot of spinach but I promise you wont taste it. Spinach is one of the best veggies out there. I sometimes throw in kale, sprouts, or broccoli but you can at times taste it a little more. So wait until you are use to your green smoothie to add the other's. I then put in one very ripe banana, one orange, 4 oz of vanilla or blueberry yogurt, 1/3 of a frozen 100% grape juice concentrate (save the other 2/3's you can use them on other day's for other smoothies), I then fill the rest with frozen blueberries. Once it is all in there add water to fill in the gaps. Blend. It is DELICIOUS!!! Here is a youtube video of Green Smoothie Girl making her drink I am in love with her website http://www.greensmoothiegirl.com/ everything she says is true. You will never have so much and energy and your digestive tract will have never been better, your skin will be clear, etc. It is real. I just do one smoothie a day and have seen a huge difference in my kids and my digestive, energy, health and it just makes me crave better foods. Tara has her recipe book and has some really good recipes. I know it sounds hard but now that I am use to making them it really takes under 3 minutes. You can freeze the banana's and spinach. People add extras flax seed oil etc. I haven't really done that much. Greensmoothiegirl.com has some interesting facts for you. It will keep you full all morning. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!